my name is Mari Theia Seren
and astrology changed my life
For years, I felt lost and adrift, with this uneasy feeling that I was missing something. It felt like my soul was tugging me toward a greater life purpose and direction, yet I could not find clarity around exactly what that looked like. I was raised in a Christian household and so had a knowing of something bigger than me, of a creator and designer of the universe, but in many ways, this simply left me with more questions. As an adult I began to explore spirituality in a broader sense and slowly, more clarity began to emerge. Then I found Evolutionary Astrology.
I’ve always been fascinated with human psychology and through the years I took every single personality test I came across, trying to better understand myself and those around me. Like most, I was aware enough about astrology to at least be able to say, 'I’m a Sagittarius' and found some enjoyment reading about my sign and its traits, generic as they were. But it wasn’t until I discovered the profound depth and intricacy of the full birth chart and then the unique perspective of Evolutionary Astrology that my love for astrology truly ignited.
Each planet, aspect, and sign unlocked pieces of my life’s puzzle, revealing the unique building blocks of my soul and bringing my path into focus. Every new insight resonated deeply, helping me understand myself in ways I never could have imagined. It was one of the most affirming and inspiring things I had ever experienced. I kept saying “I have never felt so seen!”.
That’s when I knew: I had to share this incredible tool with others. There isn’t another soul on this planet exactly like you, and your birth chart is a beautiful testament to your unique cosmic design. My mission is to help you uncover its wisdom and align with the life you were born to live, empowered, uplifted and inspired. I am so blessed that you are here, and I truly cannot wait to meet you. Until then, rest in divine love.
- Mari